Chloe Feoranzo
Chloe Feoranzo is a clarinetist and saxophonist who has been performing professionally since the age of 15. She grew up playing in youth orchestras, musical pits, along with swing, traditional jazz bands and guest artist at festivals of the Southern California area.  She completed a three year tour with Pokey LaFarge from 2013-2016. She has appeared on various shows such as The Late Show with David Letterman, Prairie Home Companion, the Grand Ole Opry and The Voice. She has three featured videos through Postmodern Jukebox with a combined total of 7 million views and rising. She has been on tours since 2017 with Postmodern Jukebox, Asleep At The Wheel and as a full-time clarinetist with Shake Em’ Up Jazz Band. She now resides in Los Angeles, CA performing with various groups around the city.
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